Today my guest is Ms. Aubrey Leatherwood, author of creative, sensual prose whose book The People You Know, The Sex They Have is up for a CAPA award (YAY, Aubrey!). Pick up a copy of her book today. You'll be glad you did...just for Ingo alone. Aubrey knows what I'm talking about, lol. Learn more about Aubrey at her website. And the great lady has seen fit to grace us with an exquisite poem about love. Enjoy!
______________________________________________________________________________________________In flashes of lily light
and honeysuckle breath
I find you.
No violet
or red, red rose
or indigo even
bring you to mind.
Only shades
cool as water cold as ice.
You don't come with scent strong like lavender
or jasmine.
Only in smells that touch me sometimes
in crowds
but never find their place.
Smells that remind me of something
that I realize late is you.
In syrup movement
not quick like lightning
You slow come to me as
Fans blowing in summer
Flies prying at screen
Hot stick-to-me day
Lazy on the porch
Hummingbird wings beat slow...
And there you are
long legs in short shorts
laying across mine become
truncated body as I grasp for your face.
In flashes of lily light
and honeysuckle breath
and grey soft memory down
you are hidden as I forget.
You are faded from bathing too long
in the bright sunlight.
A day without night
is where I've kept you.
I suppose I was wrong in that--
keeping you there,
suspended in happy times
because to animate you
would have meant
remembering everything.
You couldn't come to me
with scarlet sucking in your body,
with the scent of men's cologne
nestled in your hair or
with a burgundy slash of mouth
with sandalwood and musk
nestled in your hair or
with your mica colored hair soft
like mica, too
with those men's scents
nestled in your hair.
Those memories brought you to me,
brought you to me crystal.
Those sights I knew, those smells I knew
and yet those I would lose to
find you rose-colored hazy and bright
never in the sharp clarity of anger, regrets,
and obsession that even in dimness
painted clear your likeness.
And now, now because of my kind
distortion of you,
I cannot find you at all it seems.
I reach for you constantly and yet
am still forgetting.
I have given your sun to someone else.
Someone who easy comes to me.
I see her:
She lay bronze naked in a field
of ever-changing pansies
with green apple eyes lined in kohl
Sun catching cinnamon and nutmeg in her hair.
She smells of vanilla and (vainly I notice this)
she smells of me.
And importantly, days with her make the
nights easier to bear; never something to deny.
And still, still I grasp for your love as the light
has made it as much tantalizing as elusive.
And yet, I can no longer see your face.
Thanks for letting me visit, Cindy!
Beautiful imagery! I used to write a lot of poetry once upon a time. This one is lovely.
Thank you very much, Faith. What's funny is that I hardly write any poetry at all, but this expressed how I'm feeling about love these days :)
Wow Aubrey, the images are so powerful and sensual...what a great poem!
Thank you very much, Chloe!
Very Lovely!
What lovely pictures you painted with these words. Your poem touched me deeply.
Thank you, Ericka and Rita!
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