
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How to get laid like a billionaire, superhero, pirate, cowboy, rockstar, or fireman

Bet that title got your attention, didn't it? It's meant to be provocative, but I'm sure you guessed that already.
During my triumphant return to the laptop, I ran across a piece I haven't touched in five years. A little golden nugget languishing on my cloud.

The idea started five years ago whilst chatting with an old friend. He frequents the ComiCon circuit, dreams of graphic novel stardom never far from his mind. Aside from trying to recruit me as a booth babe (ha! as if they make Spanx powerful enough for that to happen...well, they probably do, but that's not the point), he told me to pack up my erotic romance books and join he and his crew when they were working a Con near me. They would sell like hotcakes.

Okay, here's part of the problem: most of my books at the time were virtual. It's hard to sell a download, I know it can be done, but I was also bound by a pretty persnickity publisher at the time so, well, not to sound like a broken record, but it was complicated.

But what if I came up with something of my own creation to flog at the Con? We brainstormed and came up with the idea for a tongue-in cheek "how to" manual.

MBH has always marveled at the female fascination with romance, even erotica novels (which he understands a little more). Okay, but he's a real life superhero so women are constantly throwing pussy at him. But what about the regular dudes out there? The ones frequenting ComiCon? Couldn't they benefit from the wisdom that every woman knows: If you only emulated about 31% of the stuff we read about in our spank bank, then you would be golden.

That's how How to Get Laid Like a Billionaire-Superhero-Pirate-Cowboy-Rockstar-Fireman was born. Is it a serious how-to manual? No, c'mon, y'all know me. I do envision an entire marketing franchise with buttons and t-shirts and coffee mugs that read "I know how to get laid like a BSPCRF!" for the gentleman and "My man went to ComicCon and all he learned was how to f@%k like a BSPCRF!" for the ladies. It's all copyrighted so don't get any ideas. Problem is, I never finished the damn book. Ha!

But if I had a nickel for every time a male of the species lamented to me that they'll never understand what women want, I wouldn't be working the EDJ, I'll tell you that much. Gentlemen, pick up a romance novel, preferably erotic romance because that will really give you the keys to the kingdom. Hint: you don't have to be Christian Grey but try smacking your wife's ass and pulling her hair at strategic times during coitus. It'll open up a whole new world. Make sure she's cool with that first, don't want anyone going to work with a black eye tomorrow being all like, "Thanks, Cindy!"


My apologies, I threw up a little in my mouth for having made a 50 Shades reference. God I hate that franchise. So many better books. SO MANY BETTER WRITERS OUT THERE....okay, breathe, Cindy, just breathe.

I see How to Get Laid as Cliff's Notes for those not willing to wade through a genre they have no interest in. I get it. I never actually read Pride and Prejudice in high school. I know some folks swear by Jane Austen and I respect her as a trailblazer, but I'm sorry, the woman was wordy.

I flipped through the tome and read the parts I could stand and got a B minus on my exam. It's kinda the same thing with ER novels. You can't just flip through and read the juicy bits. There's a whole lot of backstory and swagger that gets the heroine into bed in between the juicy bits and in this case you do not want to get a B minus on your final exam, gentlemen. That will not get you repeat business, em kay?

I'll post excerpts here over the coming weeks (pun not intended) to keep you up with the progress.


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