
Friday, December 3, 2010

Gone but not forgotten

Good morning, y'all. I'm a little late with my post on World AIDS Day, but it's a cause near and dear to my heart so I wanted to post a red ribbon on my blog for my wonderful friend who passed away three years ago due to a lung infection caused by AIDS.

He was the brightest star in my galaxy, self-proclaimed vice-president of serendipities and the most joyful person I've every known. Thank you, my friend, for being part of my life for nine years. Thank you for introducing me to the Finnish beverage glögg, though the hangover almost killed me. Thank you for always paying for the drinks, even when you didn't have to. Thank you for trying to steer me away from temptation and never scolding me when I gave into it. Thank you for sharing your words with me--Belize lives forever in my heart and it's where I hope you're spending eternity. You are loved and you are missed.


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